My Pretty Little Ego
We woke up bright and early, and I mean early this morning. Isn't it common knowledge that "bright and early killed the cat" or something like that. Whatever, we were the only ones down at breakfast and wrapped up the meal quick and started off to Interlaken. There, we went to this adventure place that was ziplining And other stuff like that. First I had to go through a quick training which basically went over how to use magnets, because we all know how hard that is. After that, I walked over to a middle ranked course and secured my harness. It was a breeze and really fun, so me and my ego sat down to evaluate my options for the next course. First thing that came to mind was rational and Said I should challenge myself by doing the next leveled course. So far so good, but my ego piped up, "ohh that's to easy. You should do the highest course, the one 60 meters above the ground, and is the second hardest course. It'll be too easy." I don't know what is weirder, the fact that I believe my ego has an Irish brouge (can't spell, we've already been over this) or the fact that I actually have thought about it. What can you do *shrug and sigh in highly dramatic manner*. Back to the course, I went on and started and only had mild trouble with the fact that every time I looked down my pulse began to race and I my legs would spaz in fear. Got to almost the end, when I ran Into these logs that where attached to cables that went from tree to tree. I thought (emphasis on thought) I had run into them before and they had been easy enough. So with my ego whispering in that darn Irish brouge I stepped on the first log with a calm and relaxed, I hate to say it, swag. Yep, I was swagging in up in the tree tops. Of course when I stepped on said log, I discovered these where new logs because they rolled. I slipped and barely caught myself an the side cables. Given I had a harness that would have caught me, but that means I would have had a weggi (do I even have to mention the spelling) all day, I would have had a pain getting back up, and plus I already looked foolish enough, and we couldn't have that could we? So, I held myself there for what felt like hours and kicked the ever rolling logs below me. By now there where these Swiss boys behind me making an illfated attempt of singing American confidence songs. I never thought someone could ruin "we are the champions", but there ya go. I really felt like spewing a couple curses and going back just to kick one of them. I also was outraged that there had been no blinking sign screaming "THESE LOGS ROLL". Gah, I finally got a confident step on a log and lowered myself down. Then I took another step and... fell. I didnt even catch myself and the harness had to do its duty (not that kind). Oh it's a darn shame.
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